
Fabricación de hojas de sierra
y cuchillas

Fabricación de hojas de sierra y cuchillas

Cookie agreement

What are cookies:

Our website uses cookies to improve your service. Cookies are small files that store information in your browser and are commonly used to distinguish individual users. However, the user is not identifiable based on this information. Cookies help eg.:

  • to determine which sites and features are most frequently used by visitors, we can best tailor our offer to your needs;
  • remember our customers' credentials so they don't have to enter them every time;
  • the correct functioning of our site in order to complete the purchase process with the least difficulty;

You can find more general information about cookies here

What cookies we use:

Cookies used on our site can be divided into two basic types in terms of their durability. Short-term "session cookies" that are only temporary and remain stored in your browser until you close the browser, and long-term "persistent cookies" that remain stored on your device for much longer or until you manually delete them ( keeping cookies on your device depends on the settings of the cookie itself and your browser settings).

In terms of the function that each cookie performs, a cookie can be divided into:

  • conversions, which allow us to analyze the performance of different sales channels
  • tracking, which, combined with conversion, helps analyze the performance of different sales channels
  • remarketing, which we use to personalize ad content and target it correctly
  • analytics that help us improve the user experience of our site by understanding how users use it
  • essential for the basic functionality of the site

Some cookies may collect information that is subsequently used by third parties and that, for example, directly support our advertising activities (so-called "third-party cookies"). For example, information about products purchased by visitors on our site may be displayed by an advertising agency in order to better tailor the display of Internet advertising banners to the websites you display. However, this information does not identify you.

We use the following cookies on our site:

  • AdWords (Tracking, Remarketing)
  • Google Analytics (Analytical, Tracking)
  • Sociální: Facebook, Google + (Tracking, Konverzní)
  • Heuréka, Zboží (Tracking, Konverzní)
  • php,phtml,php3,javascript (Essential)

How to refuse the use of cookies

The use of cookies can be set up using your Internet browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. Cookies can be refused or set to use only certain cookies using your web browser.

You can find information about browsers and how to set cookies preferences on the following websites:

Internet Explorer

An efficient cookie management tool is also available at

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© 2021 GSP - High Tech Saws, s.r.o.
Usamos cookies, gracias a las cuales podemos brindarle mejores servicios. Al utilizar nuestros servicios, acepta su uso. Cookie agreement Entiendo